Meliponini Beekeeping Training Materials

Home / Meliponini Beekeeping Training Materials

BES-Net TT Training Materials


Introduction to Stingless Bee Biology and the Plants They Utilise

Developing a Pollinator Garden and an Introduction to Plants for Pollinators

Special Features

Stingless Bees – Hive Split

Stingless Bee Rescue in Trinidad and Tobago – Hive Transfer

A Haven for Hives – Robin’s Story

Pollinator Garden Tour – Wa Samaki Ecosystems, Trinidad and Tobago

Workshop recordings

Introduction to Stingless Bees

Designing a Pollinator Garden in Trinidad and Tobago

Building Pollinator Habitats 

Splitting and Harvesting of Stingless Bee Hives

Other resources specific to Trinidad and Tobago’s Meliponini

Meliponini of Trinidad and Tobago slideshow

Meliponini of Trinidad and Tobago – Brochure

Tips and Takeaways for Creating Pollinator Gardens

Other resources

Relevant Scientific Papers

Bijlsma, Lubertus, Luc LM de Bruijn, Edwin P. Martens, and Marinus J. Sommeijer. “Water content of stingless bee honeys (Apidae, Meliponini): interspecific variation and comparison with honey of Apis mellifera.” Apidologie 37, no. 4 (2006): 480-486.

Brown, Elijah, Michel O’Brien, Karla Georges, and Sharianne Suepaul. “Physical characteristics and antimicrobial properties of Apis mellifera, Frieseomelitta nigra and Melipona favosa bee honeys from apiaries in Trinidad and Tobago.” BMC complementary medicine and therapies 20 (2020): 1-9.

De Bruijn, L. L. M., and M. J. Sommeijer. “Colony foraging in different species of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponinae) and the regulation of individual nectar foraging.” Insectes sociaux 44 (1997): 35-47.

González-Acereto, J. A., Jose Javier G. Quezada-Euán, and L. A. Medina-Medina. “New perspectives for stingless beekeeping in the Yucatan: results of an integral program to rescue and promote the activity.” Journal of Apicultural Research 45, no. 4 (2006): 234-239.

Jaffé, Rodolfo, Nathaniel Pope, Airton Torres Carvalho, Ulysses Madureira Maia, Betina Blochtein, Carlos Alfredo Lopes de Carvalho, Gislene Almeida Carvalho-Zilse et al. “Bees for development: Brazilian survey reveals how to optimize stingless beekeeping.” PloS one 10, no. 3 (2015): e0121157.

Sommeijer, M. J., L. L. M. De Bruijn, F. J. A. J. Meeuwsen, and E. P. Martens. “Natural patterns of caste and sex allocation in the stingless bees Melipona favosa and M. trinitatis related to worker behaviour.” Insectes Sociaux 50 (2003): 38-44.

Souza, Bruno, David Roubik, Ortrud Barth, Tim Heard, Eunice EnrÍquez, Carlos Carvalho, Jerônimo Villas-Bôas et al. “Composition of stingless bee honey: setting quality standards.” Interciencia 31, no. 12 (2006): 867-875.


Kwapong, Peter, Kwame Aidoo, Rofela Combey, and Afia Karikari. “Stingless bees.” Importance, management and utilization. A training manual for stingless beekeeping (2010): 1-72.

Book Chapters

Menezes, Cristiano, Ayrton Vollet-Neto, Felipe Andrés Felipe León Contrera, Giorgio Cristino Venturieri, and Vera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca. “The role of useful microorganisms to stingless bees and stingless beekeeping.” Pot-Honey: A legacy of stingless bees (2013): 153-171.